Monday, September 11, 2006

Thank you, USTA,

for both the US Open and the new address labels you sent me. The labels will be useless in about two weeks, but I'll keep the memory of the Federer/Roddick match forever. That was some tennis. Roger Federer (do you think his friends call him R-Fed? If so, do you think he gets it? And if so, do you think it drives him crazy?) is not all that attractive. But attractive doesn't win you points in tennis. If it did, James Blake would be best player in the world.

Last night I got drunk on the phone with Maritime. It was just like old times. I see phone bills in our future. Of course I had a rager of a hangover which made me less than totally effective today. But I did send Maritime's care package, shopped for a mattress, and went through all my storage boxes at the hangar. So it could've been worse.

Let me just say that Midwest Airlines is an absolute pleasure to fly. My four flights this weekend were hands down the best commercial airline experience I've ever had. Every single seat in all their aircraft is one of those large, leather, first class jobbies! And leg room! And warm chocolate chip cookies! The only downside is that you have to connect through Milwaukee for basically every flight. The background on that is that it started out as Kimberly-Clark's corporate travel department (the headquarters being in Milwaukee) and evolved into a full service airline. But don't let the 'waukee get in the way of enjoying Midwest next time you take to the skies. It'll be worth it, I swear.

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