Thursday, September 28, 2006

The 1st ATL post:


Installed. But here’s what I still need:
• Closet system (the old CF designer in me insists upon it, and IKEA will be happy to provide it)
• Dressers
• Shelves
• Credenza (have you sensed a storage theme yet?)
• A lighting design plan (and the lights to go with it)
• That Balenciaga bag (yes, I still think about it)
• A paycheck to cover it all (that won’t arrive until the end of the month, sadly)

I’m decidedly in nesting mode. Dad drove down in the Uhaul with me on Sun-Mon. The only real excitement during the trip was the gas pump that didn’t shut off automatically and doused the side of the truck and most of the ground with unleaded. That was a nervous moment turning on the ignition. That could’ve been a Hollywood style fireball. What kind of gas pump doesn’t have the automatic shut-off nowadays? This is goddamn modern times.

The only real excitement during the move was when I was in my leasing office signing paperwork and realized that I had absolutely packed my checkbook. I had to go rushing all over town to get a cash advance and a money order. Handing over $1000 in cash in an Atlanta gas station to get a money order is something I hope never to do again.

And lately it has just been getting settled. Last night I went out with Maritime’s Roger for dinner. I love getting to co-opt M’s dates. We went to an adorable little place by my place that Roger very aptly described as ‘vegetarian comfort food.’ The downside: this cute place is being driven out of business due to the rising rents of gentrification, a process of which I now have to face up to that I’m a part.

But today, I’m in my Coffee Shop, which features a comfy, relaxed, modernist Room & Board vibe that I’m loving. What it apparently doesn’t feature is WiFi. Where’s the gentrification now? (Do I realize that I’m a terrible yuppie elitist? Yes. And I’m not proud. But I am very comfortable. And it seems that I’ll trade pride for comfort, which makes me even more despicable. I’ll just have to sooth my conscience with charitable donations and numb myself with wine. Ack, the further I go with this the more yuppie become. I’m stopping.) So I’ll have to post this at a time and place TBA.


Maritime said...

Thank the Lord. You're back.

Let's become old yuppies together. I think we should begin by watching the famed "Golden Girls" (yet unfortunately named) sequal,"The Golden Palace." Mostly because it eliminates the need for us to identify a Dorothy while also allowing us to work with Don Cheadle, Cheech Marin, and at least once with George Burns.

Maritime said...

Damn it. I know how to spell "sequel."