Friday, July 21, 2006


I am simultaneously Valerie Plame and the Bush Administration. I let the blog out of the bag at Maritime's last night over tamales and Fat Cat. Oh, but I'm not the only secretive blogger out there, it seems. No, Kovsky and Number 2 promptly (and maybe a bit sheepishly) 'fessed up to clandestine online postings, as well. We all agreed that it's a good way to keep everyone up to date without rehashing details over and over, like in real life.

Oshkosh (or EAA AIrventure 2006! as the people at the Experimental Aircraft Assoc. would like you to believe) kicks off on Monday. Leaving Sunday morning to drive down. Drive down again, that is. Today saw me make the commute in the POSV (piece of shit van, said with some degree of affection) to set up the booth.

Boy, I learned a lot from AM radio today. Like, there is at least one person on the planet who thinks CNN and Al Jazeera are interchangeable as news organizations. There is at least one other who thinks the Israelis are about to start a ground offensive into Libya. And it turns out I like listening to sports casters shoot the shit with Howard Cosell. That was really the highlight of the drive. So, something new everyday.

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