Friday, July 14, 2006

Don't pull a John Denver

I've just been reading some of the accident reports in General Aviation News. I do this from time to time to try to store away things that I should avoid doing when/if I eventually become a pilot. And because of the aviation-related title of this blog I think maybe I should list out some causes of airplane accidents and their real-life counterparts to avoid:

- The decision to perform a negative G maneuver, which resulted in a loss of engine power due to fuel starvation


- The decision to show your buddies what wicked fun you are by throwing yourself careening down into a late, booze-filled night, which resulted in a loss of ability to function in the morning due to the fact that your brain hadn't recieved nearly enough oxygen.

- The low-time pilot's failure to follow instrument flight procedures resulting in a collision with trees.


- The hubristic young woman's failure to slow down when going over an unplowed freeway overpass resulting in a collision with more than one concrete divider and the writing-off of her car.

- The inadvertent deployment of a parachute which resulted in damage tot he right horizontal stabilizer and elevator. (No injuries)


- The inadvertent-seeming, yet totally intentional bailing-out of a wedding to go home early which resulted in damaging an already so-so friendship. (No real remorse)

As I'm sure pilots will continue to crash planes and I'll continue to screw up, this may become a regular feature. Stay tuned.

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