Wednesday, July 26, 2006

B'Gosh this B'Blows

The very few things I would like that I can’t buy on Amazon:

• Love
• Happiness
• A professional hit on my dad’s business partner who travels with a case of Yoohoo because he likes to have at least two everyday.

The blush is definitely off the rose in re the Oshkosh Airshow. I would love to just sit in a lawn chair and watch airplanes, but alas, I am all but chained to a 10’x10’ booth in an unairconditioned hangar dealing with the general public. And tonight I’m missing Maritime’s post-bar exam hoopla at McSweeny’s which is just salt in the wound. If I think too much about what I’m doing vs. what I could be doing I start to be a real Negative Norma.

On to happier topics, I got a slew of new pictures of Daisy, the World’s Best Dog, today and the cuteness will not stop. Look at that face!

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